In Transportes SOTOVA the experience has taught us that a professional solution, besides the best quality and safety in our service, our customer require availability.
Zinapecuaro, Michoacan. El Arenal Patio, located in the Zinapecuaro-Morelia road. With an extension of 30,000m², perimetral wall, maintenance and general equipment reparation facilities and hoist operations with capacity to move empty containers.
Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan. Offices and patio of 22,000m² with perimetral wall for parking and operating of our unities. We have equipment Top Loader with capacity to move full containers.
In Transportes SOTOVA we know that personalized attention, availability and following to each and every client we owe it to our staff; that is why:
To guaranty the security in the goods that we transport, all our units are equipped with GPS for their immediate localization, offering their exact location at every moment.
All of our units are monitored by Sky Angel 24 hours, releasing the appropriate reports.
Our truck operators are provided with a cellphone in order to be in constant communication with the monitoring and logistic personal.
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